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  • 茶学硕士 DiscoverCha 葡言茶语创始人 WSET 侍酒师 茶行业资深培训师 茶艺英语培训导师 杰曦法国进口葡萄酒战略合作伙伴 葡萄酒对话普洱茶论坛实践者 自由撰稿人

  • 葡言茶语助教 茶文化爱好者 自媒体人 法语联盟合作伙伴 中国茶推外推广传者

  • 课程详情

    In the long history river of human being, each civilization is a star shining in the galaxy, among which, tea culture is one of the brightest stars, guides our life, thoughts, behaviors,even decides the economy and future of a country. And this star belongs to the whole world, either near or far. From today on, we will observe this superstar closely, decompose it, analyze it, understand it and appreciate it in scientific methods and aesthetic altitude.
    Chinese Tea Art Micro-course has 15 chapters, 100 lessons, each lesson is around 5 minutes long. The series contains six basic types of tea, which are green tea, yellow tea, white tea, oolong tea, black tea, and dark tea. Of course, we are here in Yunnan, the hometown or pu-erh tea, so we will target on pu-erh tea, present you very details about origins, terroir, brewing skills, tasting&evaluation, and collection. 

    Chinese Tea Art Micro-course is the fruit of my 18 years’ study and passion in tea, the combination of the traditional Chinese culture and western thoughts, therefore, it is scientific and interesting, objective and creative, traditional and open-minded. It is a different way to study tea science, a unique perspective to learn tea art.
    However, if you think this forum is not enough, you are warmly welcomed to join us with the Chinese Tea Art Course Essence at different levels in near future, choose either online studying or offline class. All the courses are able to help you with understanding completed tea lectures systematically. 
    For studying conveniently and flexibly, we are going to update the whole course one chapter by chapter, so you can choose the one you like the one you are interested in.
    为了便于更方便和灵活的学习,我们将这个系列课程分阶段学习,大家可 根据您的兴趣单章选择,也可以选择全套学习。

    Chapter Five: Oolong Tea 乌龙茶

    In 1606, Dutch transported first tea from Macao, China[ ALL ABOUT TEA by WILLIAM H. UKER], started European tea history. You may wonder what type of tea it was. Yes, it’s most likely Oolong tea. Nowadays, oolong tea is one of the most popular teas, which may be the most complicated processing required tea as well.  Someones(in China) like to call oolong tea Qing cha,literally means tea in green color, therefore, they may mistake any tea in green color as oolong tea. Don't mention such names like Dahongpao, Tie Guanyin, Dancong, high mountain oolong, eastern beauty, etc, sound very confusing. Don’t worry, let’s solve all the puzzles in chapter five - Oolong Tea.
    1606年,荷兰首次将茶从澳门带回爪哇岛[《茶叶全书》. 威廉乌克斯],进而开启了欧洲的的茶叶篇章。你会好奇这是什么茶?对,非常可能,就是乌龙茶。如今,乌龙茶是目前最流行的茶之一了,且工艺最复杂。在中国,一些人将乌龙茶成为青茶,即绿颜色的茶,因此,他们可能会错误地以为所有绿颜色的茶都是乌龙茶。更别提大红袍、铁观音、单枞、高山乌龙、东方美人等,听起来就让人混淆不清的茶类了。别担心,第五章乌龙茶篇,我们来一起拨开云雾,打开所有的谜团。
    Lesson 24 Origin of Oolong Tea 乌龙茶的起源
    Lesson 25 Major Areas of Oolong Tea 乌龙茶的主要产区
    Lesson 26 Processing of Rock Tea 岩茶的工艺
    Lesson 27 Legends of Da Hongpao 大红袍的传说
    Lesson 28 Brewing Skills of Rock Oolong 岩茶的冲泡技巧
    Lesson 29 Grading of Rock Oolong 岩茶的分级  
    Lesson 30 Legends Story of Iron Goddess 铁观音的传说
    Lesson 31 Processing of Iron Goddess 铁观音的工艺
    Lesson 32 Tea Ceremony of Iron Goddess 铁观音茶艺
    Lesson 33 Storage of Oolong Tea 乌龙茶的储藏

    Statement:  All the contents are reserved at DiscoverCha(Yunnan) Cultural Communications Studio except for the marked pictures, videos, and background music. All the contents shall be only used for the study who purchase these courses and shall not be used in any commercial events or training without any authority.

    Micro-lessons' Screenshot 部分微课截屏

    About Discovercha&Mabol Zhong 关于葡言茶语和主始创钟梅

    Discover Cha, established in 2015, adhere to promote Yunnan tea and popularize French wine. Ms Mabol Mei Zhong, the founder, majored in tea science for her both undergraduate and postgraduate, has been devoting her enthusiasm for tea education for past years. Since 2015, she’s indulged in French wine, and working on the project of cultural exchange between pu-erh tea and French wine. 
    葡言茶语诞生于2015年1月,中西合璧,传播优秀云南普洱茶文化,弘扬法国浪漫葡萄酒风情。创始人(钟梅女士)硕本毕业于华中农业大学茶学专业,多年就职著名茶企,从事培训教育, 打造茶文化对外传播;2015从业法国葡萄酒至今,致力于普洱茶与葡萄酒的中西文化交流.

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